SMRC Pulls a Plane for Special Olympics
Santa Monica Rugby Club teamed up with MS California US last Saturday to pull an 82 ton FedEx Airbus 310 to raise money for the special Olympics. SMRC and others successfully raised more that $85,000 on the day.
The full club was represented – with players from the Men’s and Women’s 15 and 7’s teams as well as Youth and Old Boys players the dedication to community and giving back that SMRC has been known for was on full display.

SMRC Pulls the Plane
After SMRC completed their pull, the next competing team were up and couldn’t budge the huge aircraft. SMRC, bursting with charitable spirit, ran onto the tarmac and helped them out. Then the next competing team needed help, then the next and so on… at days end Santa Monica Rugby Club pulled the plane with eight volunteer groups for a total of 16 pulls – all in the name of raising money for the Special Olympics
The final pull of the day may have been the most fun. Santa Monica had the privilege of pulling with the Special Olympic athletes themselves. There were lots of cheers and lots of high fives and lots of new friends were made.
Santa Monica may have just made a few new fans as well.
Flickr Photo Set
RugbyMag Article
Santa Monica Patch Article
Santa Monica Mirror